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                         Welcome to Saludermic Skin Care

      We have plentiful experience attending clients in all areas such as skin is concerned in different Skin care clinics.  We have worked with Saludermic Skin Care for 22 years.

     In our category we have had the opportunity to acquire knowledge related to the skin and apply multiple clinical treatments with great success. We have worked in epidesquamation, glycolic acid peeling, removal of blackhead among other blemishes, acne treatments, color mismatching treatments, a fine wrinkle therapy, skin medical procedure and surgeries.
     With this range of knowledge and experience, we have developed our own beauty products, which we want to share with you.
     It is a pleasure that you have visited our page and we hope it is to your liking. Our mission is to serve and please our clients to each of their individual needs.


Thank you.


rev. mcrn 8/2018

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